- Shen Congwen"s life consciousness has a rich profound significance. 沈从文的生命意识具有丰富深刻的意义。
- Most of the characters inM.. Shen Congwen"s novels are common people. 小说描写的人物多数是普普通通的百姓。
- Is Shen Congwen narrates the indispensable element. 是沈从文叙事不可或缺的元素。
- He had a copy of collected works of Shen congwen in his bookcase. 他的书柜中放了一本《沈从文别集》。
- Shen Congwen"s urban novels created a mirror for "the higher person", which reflected the moral decline of city people, the degradation of vitaliy and the desire of their materialization. 沈从文的都市小说为都市里的“高等人”制造了一面镜子,照射出了都市现代文明里都市人道德的沦丧、生命力的萎缩以及都市人欲望的物化。
- Reflect Shen Congwen's interpretation of life authenticity through an analysis of crudity, ignorance, the good and the beautiful in his works. 摘要通过对沈从文作品中展现的人的原始性、蒙昧性和真与美的人性分析,反映沈从文先生对生命本真性的理解。
- There are two poetic features in Shen Congwen's Xiangxi native novels: poetic lyric and poetic philosophy. 沈从文湘西小说有两种诗性:抒情诗性和哲理诗性。
- Correspondingly, the Shen Congwen novel creation style may divide into two large model: Satire and madrigal. 相应地,沈从文小说创作风格可以分为两大模式:讽刺和牧歌。
- The last part summarizes the main standpoint in this thesis, emphasizes Shen Congwen is a Romanticist. 结束语部分总结本文主要观点,强调沈从文是一位浪漫主义作家。
- The instrumentality and aesthetics of art is perfectly integrated by Shen Congwen. 沈从文使艺术的工具性与审美性得到了完美的结合。
- The Xanadu complex is mutual to Shen Congwen and readers, is human's pursuit and expectation to ideal homestead. “桃源”情结是沈从文和读者共有的,是人类对理想家园的追寻和期待。
- On the PersPective of Vegitable Garden,this article is intended to Probe Shen Congwen's inheritance and develoPment of Zhuangzi's PhilosoPhy of life. 本文主要以《菜园》为例,探讨沈从文对庄子人生哲学的继承与发展。
- Shen Congwen,a world-known writer in history of modern literature,is characterized by a unique consciousness of culture. 沈从文是现代文学史上独特的有文化自觉意识的著名作家.
- Based on the history of Western and Chinese death consciousness, Hemingway and Shen Congwen inherit different "collective unconsciousness" of death. 而受各自民族文化的影响,他们继承了不同的关于死亡的集体无意识。
- With the unremitting probing into literature and combining music with literature, Shen Congwen creates the distinctive works A Scene Under the Moon and Frontier Town. 沈从文在文学上不断探索,他把音乐和文学相结合,创造出独具一格的作品《月下小景》和《边城》。
- "The Remote Town"was the most successful. It was adapted and performed by the Hunan Song and Dance Ensemble from the novel of the same title by Shen Congwen. 湖南省歌舞团于1994年创作演出的《边城》(根据沈从文同名小说改编)独占鳌头。
- Shen Congwen and He Qifang is representative of the second and the third generation's respectively, belonging to the introversive and independent pure "belle-lettre". 沈从文和何其芳分别是第二代、第三代的代表,其散文为内向、独立的纯“美文”期。
- Shen Congwen advocated serious societal objective and individual aim for art and this purposefulness about art was the manifestation of his instrumentality rationale of art. 沈从文对艺术有着严肃的社会目的与个人目的,这种艺术创造的目的性就是沈从文艺术工具理性的体现。
- Viewing from both a country fellow and a civilized person, Shen Congwen further illustrates the destruction of the beautiful land and the ignorance of life in it. 沈从文以乡下人和现代文明的双重视野进行审视,进一步展现了神性大地之美的毁灭和地之子生命的蒙昧。
- Shen Congwen, on the other hand, described the bright side of human nature, the dreaming poetic country life in an attempt to remodel the national character. 沈从文钟情梦幻的诗意盎然、人性的优美鲜活,以找回重塑民族品格的基因。